There are four ways to give at City on a Hill. 

ONLINE. You can choose to either give a one time amount or set up an automatic recurring giving pattern here. Either way, it's an easy and secure way to support the ministry of City On A Hill. Currently, funds have to come from a bank account. Credit card giving is not supported at this time.

TEXT. You can either register online with TEXT2GIVE or via your mobile phone by texting REGISTER to the Text2Give number: (612) 324-1443. If you have any questions, please visit their FAQ area for City On A Hill. There is also a Power Point that can be helpful.

MAIL. You can mail a check to: City On A Hill Church 14450 South Robert Trail, Suite 103 Rosemount, MN 55068

ONSITE. You can choose to drop your cash or check donations into the giving can at our weekly church services.

AMAZON. Don't forget City on a Hill when you are purchasing on Amazon. Amazon Smile gives back to the non-profit of your choice .5% of your purchase amount.

Planned Giving

As Christians, we are encouraged to plan forward for the well being of our family and our church well into the future.  “Planned Giving”, sometimes known as “Legacy Giving” is a charitable donation process for consideration with other end of life planning, along with things like Powers of Attorney, Medical Directives, Wills, and Funeral Plans and Burial Preferences.

Planned Giving can be thought of as “…a deliberate, thoughtful, prayerful process that placed God at the same level as family in your heart and in your legacy”.  It should be considered by all Christians, not just the wealthy!  And, by making such intents now, one may experience the joy of making the gift during your life!

Several methods of Planned Giving are available for your consideration.  Four of the most common methods are listed below in bold print.

The information in the links refers to Planned Gifts to “City on a Hill”.   While of course City on a Hill would appreciate your consideration of such gifts, the general reference could include any charitable organization. 

The simplest way to leave money to City on a Hill is by Designating City on a Hill as a beneficiary on financial accounts.  Such procedures are governed by forms from the institution holding the account.  City on a Hill could be considered as a whole, partial, or contingent beneficiary, usually at any percentage desired.

Families often consider making gifts to City on a Hill upon the request of their loved one, after receiving an inheritance.  Consider your tax status.

Gifts to City on a Hill directly from an IRA count toward meeting one’s annual required minimum distribution (beginning at age 70-1/2).

Should City on a Hill be listed as a beneficiary on certain pre-tax accounts such as an IRA, money received by City on a Hill accordingly does not bear income taxes, nor do your heirs. Consult a tax professional for details pertaining to your situation.

Bequest in a will represent by far the most common method of planned giving.  As with financial accounts, one should consider naming City on a Hill as a whole, partial, or contingent beneficiary at any percentages desired.

Gifts planned in this manner may be designated for certain uses by City on a Hill by the donor, or be unrestricted.

The size of one’s estate and future tax law changes should also enter planning.  Generally, funds received in this manner by City on a Hill are tax free.

Should your situation change, your will may be modified at any time.

Life Insurance, while typically thought of by young families to ensure their financial security, offer Planned Giving opportunities.

As with wills or financial accounts, City on a Hill may be a whole, partial, or contingent beneficiary at any percentages desired.

Rather than cancelling policies one may no longer need for your family, consider maintaining the policy and designating City on a Hill as a beneficiary.  The donor remains in complete control of the policy.

Existing or new policies may name City on a Hill as an owner of the policy, and the donor may gift to City on a Hill the ongoing premiums.  Tax deductions may be available to the donor both  on the premium, and on the cash value of the policy at the time of the donation.  However, the donor may not change the policy as time goes on and, if the donor no longer wishes to fund the premium, City on a Hill will make decisions regarding the policy.  Of course, such gifts require discussion with City on a Hill before pursuit.

Gifting of appreciated assets, both financial and tangible, may be an option for you. Examples: Stocks, mutual funds, exchange traded funds gifted to City on a Hill do not bear tax (on the individual) on the appreciated value of the asset, nor for City on a Hill.  This offers one of the most generous tax advantaged charitable giving tools available.

The person that is available to answer your questions as well as to help you with the process is our own, Gary Webb. He is available for consultation.  Gary can be reached at Phone: 651-423-4493 /  Email: