Our Mission

Why we exist boils down to this:

Intentionally investing our lives with others by living the gospel of Christ so we can all follow Him together.

Let's unpack the sentence a bit so you can get to the heart of what we are about.

Our Lives with Others

We understand that there are many people around us that will have nothing to do with the things of God unless we choose to have everything to do with them. This is why we eagerly adopt a missional lifestyle to become an active and meaningful part of the lives of our friends so Christ can work through us to love them. This lifestyle choice is not an option for certain believers. We believe that all who follow Christ are called to go and love as He has first loved us. We intend to make this happen by doing only a few things and doing those things with all of our hearts. John 1:14, 3:17, 13:15

Living the Gospel of Christ

Wherever we go, we represent Christ. We are filled with the power and authority of Christ so we can be a part of God’s plan to call people around us to Christ. Because the good news of Christ is everything, we want to find as many ways as we can to speak it and act on it. This requires us to no longer live for ourselves and to take on Jesus' attitude of putting the needs of others before our own. John 13:34; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Philippians 2:1-11

Following Him Together

Believers are not meant to live in isolation, but in community. Our ability to follow comes from our abiding in Christ and his kingdom rule being established in us. We become the church as we worship, break bread, learn, pray, serve, and love others. We grow in faith in love as we pursue Christ by exercising our gifts and working out our salvation. As we continue to become the functioning body of Christ, we will want to know Him and His mission more. This compels us to move outside our circle of friends toward those we are being sent to. Romans 12:1-2; Acts 2:43-47; Ephesians 4:1-6; Philippians 2:12-13