
                                                               Fishing at Rosebud June 2018

Rosebud Connections

Purpose:  Support our brothers and sisters in Christ on the Rosebud Reservation by establishing year-round connection and prayer discipline. 

Desired Outcome: Deepen relationships with people on the reservation as well as our Creator.

Action Plan: Connect and pray monthly throughout the entire year (and not just for our summer trip).  Connections can be made before or during the meeting using methods that are effective for our audience (email, phone calls, snap chat, Christmas Cards...).  Connections will generate prayer topics and prayer will generate results!  Our monthly meeting should also be used to support accountability for individual commitments to connect and pray more than once a month. 

All are welcome to join our monthly prayer meeting on the 2nd Sunday of every month from 8:30 - 9:30 am at the Steeple Center before our worship service. Our first meeting is Sunday, August 12th. Contact Bill Ristow for more information.